25 marzo 2020

EVENTO ANNULLATO. Book presentation: Eugenio Colorni, Critical Thinking in Action - Eugenio Colorni, The Discovery of the Possible

di lettura

University of los Andes – Cra 1 Nº 18A – 12 - Bogotá. Room TBA. March 25th, 2020  -  12:30 to 1:50. 


Eugenio Colorni, Critical Thinking in Action, ed. by L. Meldolesi and N. Stam,  New York: Bordighera Press

Eugenio Colorni, The Discovery of the Possible, ed. by L. Meldolesi and N. Stame, New York:  Bordighera Press



Prof. Luca Meldolesi will introduce the discussion

A Colorni-Hirschman International Institute

This talk is part of a series of seminars of a joint research group of University of Los Andes  and the Universidad Nacional on economic history, methodology and thought (GIHPTE), coordinated by dr. Andrès Felipe Sierra.